Update gratis naar ZBrush 2019.1

Update gratis naar ZBrush 2019-1

Update gratis naar ZBrush 2019.1

Pixologic heeft een nieuwe gratis versie van ZBrush 2019 uitgebracht. De update gratis naar ZBrush 2019.1 heeft een aantal nieuwe mogelijkheden waaronder Split screen, Groups Intersection, GoZ voor Adobe Photoshop 2019, Autodesk Maya 2019 en Autodesk 3DS Max 2020 ondersteuning.

Split screen in ZBrush 2019.1

Om beter inzicht te geven hoe split screen een ZBrush 2019.1 werk kan je het beste de 6 minuten video hieronder bekijken.

Hoe kan je ZBrush updaten?

Om ZBrush te updaten heb je een geldig serienummer nodig en één van de drie stappen uitvoeren zoals Pixologic hieronder beschrijft.

1- Close ZBrush, then browse to its folder on your computer. Run the ZUpgrader application that you will find there. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the update.

2- Download the updater application for either Windows or macOS. Place this application in your ZBrush 2019 folder before running it. Then simply follow the on-screen instructions.

3- Uninstall ZBrush 2019 and delete its folder. Then log into My Licenses where you will be able to download the stand-alone ZBrush 2019.1 installer. Run that to reinstall ZBrush, then (if requested) activate it again.

Overzicht van verbeteringen en vernieuwingen in ZBrush 2019.1

Below are some of the improvements or behavior changes made with ZBrush 2019.1:

  • A pop-up message is now displayed when exiting Edit mode, asking for confirmation.
  • SubTool folders now support Move Up and Move Down functions.
  • SnapShot 3D with reference images will no longer apply a DynaMesh Boolean process. (Pressing ‘Sub’ is now required for the SpotLight image to be cut out of the DynaMesh surface.)
  • Updated keyboard shortcuts for macOS to now create a Folder with Command+F.
  • Updated keyboard shortcuts for macOS to go full screen with Command+Ctrl+F rather than creating a new folder.
  • Saving and loading files across a network have been improved.

Several issues raised by our users or beta testers have been fixed in the 2019.1 release:

  • Ctrl+Shift brushes no longer jump when holding Space Bar.
  • Assigning a hotkey now gives a warning if the hotkey is already in use.
  • Snapshot 3D snapping points now respects canvas Zoom.
  • Support has been added for .jpeg and .tiff image file extensions.
  • Total Points Count display has been improved.
  • Improved Boolean generation.
  • Crease Level slider will update results when Dynamic Subdivision is enabled.
  • Dots display mode is now disabled when Transparency mode is active.
  • Improved stability of the Surface Noise editor.
  • Improved stability when switching rapidly between Edit and Move modes.

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